
Understand Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Fuel For Businesses

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional diesel fuel for businesses. HVO fuel has a number of advantages including being environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and reliable. Additionally, it is easy to use in existing diesel engines and has similar performance characteristics to traditional diesel. Businesses can benefit from using HVO fuel in many ways, from improving their environmental impact to reducing fuel costs.

What is Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Fuel?

HVO fuel is a renewable diesel fuel made from used vegetable and cooking oils. It is produced through a process called hydrotreating, which removes impurities and converts the vegetable oil into a high-quality, low-emission fuel. This process is similar to the one used to produce traditional diesel fuel, but with the added benefit of using renewable resources.

How is Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Fuel Manufactured?

HVO is generated through the hydrogenation and hydrocracking of vegetable oils and animal fats. This process involves the use of hydrogen and catalysts at high temperatures and pressures to remove oxygen from triglycerides and/or fatty acids. The resulting products are paraffins with different properties and molecular sizes, which depend on the characteristics of the feedstock and the process conditions. Typically, the conversion occurs in two steps: hydrotreatment and then hydrocracking/isomerization. This process allows for the creation of a higher-quality, low-emission fuel that produces fewer emissions than conventional diesel.

How is HVO Fuel Different from Biodiesel (FAME)?

HVO is often mistaken for FAME-based biodiesel, but it differs significantly as HVO is a completely renewable diesel, not a first-generation biodiesel. Hydrotreated vegetable oil fuels provides vastly improved performance and reliability when compared to FAME biodiesel.

HVO is both FAME-free and a 100% renewable hydrocarbon, which means it does not face the performance issues that first-generation biofuels encounter, such as stability problems when exposed to water and susceptibility to fungal/bacterial attacks. Being a synthetically manufactured product, HVO’s molecules are consistent and uniform, ensuring a high-quality and consistent product. This results in superior performance compared to regular biodiesel and a shelf life of up to 10 years when stored correctly.

What are the Benefits of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil?

Businesses chose to use hydrotreated vegetable oil for a number of reasons:

Reduce CO2 Emissions

One of the main benefits of HVO fuel is its significantly reduced carbon footprint. Prema HVO can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to traditional diesel fuel. This reduction is due to the use of renewable feedstocks and the hydrotreating process, which removes impurities and produces a cleaner-burning fuel

Improved Air Quality

HVO fuel has a positive impact on air quality compared to fossil diesel. HVO produces fewer emissions compared to traditional diesel fuel, which results in improved local air quality. This is especially important for businesses operating in urban and sensitive environments.

Compatible with Existing Diesel Engines

Hydrotreated vegetable oil fuel can be used in most existing diesel engines without any modifications. This means that businesses can switch to HVO fuel without having to invest in new vehicles or equipment, cutting the need for capital expenditure when looking to meet sustainability goals.

Get in touch with our team to learn how HVO diesel could help you meet your sustainability targets today

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