Diesel Alternatives

Prema HVO Fuel

Cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 85% with zero disruption to your fleet, plant or operations with a diesel alternative HVO Fuel.

Approved for use by
all major manufacturers including

Reduce your carbon footprint without compromising performance

HVO fuel is a low-carbon, low-emission, fossil-free alternative to conventional fossil diesel. It is fully interchangeable with conventional diesel and can be blended to balance cost and a reduction in GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.

HVO is fundamentally different from biodiesel, and as such, it doesn’t suffer from any of the issues associated with first-generation biodiesel, such as diesel bug.

  • A Drop-in Replacement for Conventaional Diesel

    A chemical structure identical to diesel allows it to be used in existing diesel engines and infrastructure without modification.

  • Reduce Emissions up 85%

    When compared to the emissions of your conventional diesel without voiding your warranty by modifying your equipement.

  • A Transparent chain of custody

    All of our HVO is certified by the ISCC which ensures the entire value chain is monitored and meets the highest standards of sustainability.

A Secure & Sustainable Feedstock Supply

The term “Vegetable Oil” in “Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil” originated from the last decade when only vegetable oils were used as feedstock.

Now, HVO can be produced from: used cooking oil; residue fat fractions from food, fish, and slaughterhouse industries; tall oil byproducts; and non-food grade crop-based vegetable oil fractions.

Prema HVO Diesel is purely derived from waste materials as this is highly sustainable, offering the lowest greenhouse gas emissions possible.

A certifiably better
diesel alternative

Our HVO is produced to the highest standards from the best possible feedstocks. We provide this with rigorous testing and certification including:


  • Adhering to EN15940 Standards
  • ISCC Certified feedstocks
  • RFAS verified GHG emission savings
  • Manufactured to ISO9001 Standards

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