
How to Store HVO Diesel

HVO’s excellent stability makes it remarkably simple to handle and store compared to other diesels, and a variety of plug-and-play storage solutions are available. Discover how to store HVO below.

This guide explains:

In a previous guide, we explained how Prema HVO offers superior operational performance compared to regular diesel and biodiesel. The same performance characteristics are also advantageous in storage as well.

How to store HVO

When storing fuels, there are often specific environmental conditions that need to be maintained. FAME biodiesel, for example, can wax up and cause line blockages if left out in the cold. Biodiesel is also liable to oxidation and water ingress needs to be avoided at all costs. These characteristics mean it has a relatively short shelf-life of up to six months.

Hydrotreated Vegtable Oil can be safely stored for up to ten years without such worries. It does not oxidate or absorb water. It’s resilient in cold weather down to -32 degrees C, so it will flow easily right through winter. Its minimum flashpoint of 61 degrees C makes it extremely safe in warmer conditions as well.

It’s also much safer for the environment. In the event of an accidental spillage, regular fossil diesel can harm local ecosystems, but HVO’s biodegradability and hydrophobic properties mean any potential harm is drastically reduced. This makes it an ideal fuel even in environmentally sensitive locations.

Storage solutions available

For those who do not have their own storage infrastructure in place, there are a range of solutions available. We can provide ‘plug-and-play’ 5,000L, 10,000L or 20,000L storage tanks for hire or free of charge, depending on your volume commitment.

Each tank has a standard 3-pin, 3-phase power connection with a pump, flow meter and delivery hose, so it’s as simple as plugging it in and turning on the nozzle.

We also offer fuel management systems that require operators to use a personalised fob when filling up, allowing you to keep an eye on stock levels and see who is using what (which can be particularly useful on sites with multiple contractors).

Using existing infrastructure

If you already have your own storage infrastructure, switching to HVO is easy.

No additional equipment is required and HVO’s interchangeability with regular diesel means there is no need to drain or clean your tank (although we always recommend customers do so as part of good fuel management practice)

Frequently asked questions

The distribution of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)fuel in the UK is limited. Because of this, one of the drawbacks is the HVO price, which is around 10% to 15% higher than regular diesel. However, the reduction in carbon emissions makes this fuel well worth using.

HVO renewable diesel is a high-performance, zero-emissions diesel fuel made entirely of renewable raw materials that produce no new carbon dioxide when used. Although the hydrotreated vegetable oil for biodieselprices are relatively high, HVO has superior combustion, filterability, and cold temperature tolerance compared to other diesel fuels.

HVO fuel can be used as an alternative to diesel. This means that it is applicable to all vehicles and machinery that can run on diesel. HVO can be used for industrial trucks and tankers, boilers, portable generators, and automobiles. Besides being an alternative to diesel, it is also being studied to be a viable alternative to kerosene heating oil.

HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) is a completely biodegradable diesel made from vegetable oils, grease waste, or residue from the food industry and agriculture. HVO is a renewable diesel because its raw materials are readily available to be manufactured again and again. Compared with ordinary diesel, CO2 emissions can be reduced by up to 90% when refilling HVO fuel.

HVO is created using a recent technique for generating high-quality diesel fuels from entirely renewable resources that can be regrown when required. The crops used to make HVO fuel are non-toxic and carbon-neutral, and thus do not cause any harm to the environment.

HVO is a form of vegetable oil or animal fat that has been hydrogenated or hydrotreated. In the hydrotreatment and isomerisation process, vegetable or other oils react to hydrogen at high temperatures and pressures.  HVO meets the bio content standards without including any FAME, reducing harmful emissions when used in diesel vehicles and machinery through much-improved burning efficiency

There are advantages and disadvantages to using these newer forms of diesel-like HVO. Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks in detail.

  • The Pros
    • Reduces emissions – In general, compared to traditional diesel, using HVO reduces NOx, PM, and CO2 emissions.
    • Drop-in fuel – Unlike other eco-friendly alternatives, there is no need to change your system’s infrastructure.
    • Longer shelf life – The main advantage of HVO over regular biodiesel is its enhanced shelf life.
  • The Cons
    • More expensive – Hydrotreated vegetable oil rates are more costly than regular diesel, but it’s not as pricey as upgrading your infrastructure for other sustainable alternatives.
    • Limited availability – In comparison to the rest of Europe, the UK’s HVO manufacturing capacity is limited.


As the cost of gas rises and global warming advances, more people are turning to biofuels as a cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels. The following are some of the benefits of utilising biofuels.

  • Reduce greenhouse gases. People throughout the world are employing biofuels to power their houses, automobiles, and factories in order to restrict the emission of greenhouse gases. Experts say these biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 87%.
  • Sustainability. Since they are made from plants, people can grow and replant their raw ingredients. Thus, biofuel has an abundant, renewable stock.
  • High-quality engine performance. The good thing about biodiesel is that it can be used in existing diesel engines with little to no modification to the engine or fuel system, creating the same or better performance.
  • Fuel Economy. Biodiesel-powered vehicles get 30% better fuel efficiency than gasoline cars, which saves drivers money at the pump every time they fill up, even though the HVO price per litre in the UK is higher compared to regular diesel.


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